Previous Challenges

In reverse order these are my previous challenges:

5th decade (2000):   Ran London Marathon.  My 3 brothers and my sister ran it also.  My maiden name was Jones and we all had a letter on our backs (in order of age), So I was the 'O'.

4th decade (1990):     Ran in the Snowdon Race (5 miles up and, obviously, 5 miles down).  And I wasn't last!!

3rd decade (1980):   Learnt to ride a motorbike and pass my test.

2nd decade (1970):   Strictly speaking, I hadn't actually started on my challenges then but, just by chance, I married Peter this year (and what a challenge that has been!!  :-))

1st decade (1960):   Come on - I was only 10!!!!  I was just enjoying riding my bike and playing cowboys and indians, etc with the other kids.